New Caravan Tabbert PEP PANTIGA 550 K Viel Ausstattung
Published: 2mo 23d
Published: 2mo 23d
38 500EUR
Price incl. VAT
19% VAT
- ≈ 2 334 220 PHP
- ≈ 39 959 USD
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Listenpreis: € 48.452,00
Weitere Fahrzeugdaten
- Modell-/Baujahr: 2023
- Interne ID: 04733
- Innenhöhe: 196 cm
- Umlaufmaß: 1030 cm
- Aufbaulänge: 588 cm
- Betten: Etagenbett; Doppelbett quer
- Liegeflächen: Bug (208 x 146); Seite (203 x 100); Etagenbett (182 x 74;182 x 63)
- Heizung: Truma Combi 6 E
- Kühlschrankvolumen: 133 l
- Wasservorrat: 45 l
- Wasservorrat (ink Boiler): 55 l
- Polster: Sunset Sky
- Farbe: weiß
Weitere Ausstattungen
PAKETE* Exterieur Design-Paket
- Ambiente Licht-Paket
- Premium Interieur-Paket
TÜREN* Insektenschutztür
- Ein-Schlüssel-Schließanlage
- Eintrittsstufe mit TABBERT Schriftzug integriert, isoliert
SERVICEKLAPPEN / GARAGENTÜREN* Serviceklappe 70 x 40,5 cm, Bug links
- Serviceklappe 100 x 40,5 cm, Heck links
- Serviceklappe 100 x 30,5 cm, Heck rechts
- Integrierter Flaschenkasten mit Aluminiumboden
- TABBERT ServiceBox
- Serviceklappe 34,9 x 29,6 cm, Bug links
- Serviceklappe 70 x 40,5 cm, Bug rechts
FENSTER / DACHHAUBEN / BELÜFTUNG* Dachhaube (Hebe-Kipp) 96 x 65 cm, mit Insektenschutz und Verdunklung (Heck)
- Kombi-Rollos an den Fenstern, inkl. Verdunklung und Insektenschutz
- Dachhaube (Hebe-Kipp) 40 x 40 cm klar, mit Insektenschutz und Verdunklung (Bug)
- Dachhaube (Hebe-Kipp) 70 x 50 cm, mit Insektenschutz und Verdunklung (Heck)
- Pilzlüfter, im Heck
- Komfortrollos bei Salon- und Küchenfenster
- Ausstellfenster Privacy Black getönt und wärmedämmend, mit Sicherheitsverschluss verriegelbar
- Ausstellfenster 70 x 35 cm mit Insektenschutz und Verdunklung, Toilettenraum
MATERIALIEN / FAHRZEUGGRAFIK* Gürtelleiste Silber/Chrom (einfach)
- TABBERT Dach, hohe Schall- und Isolationswerte
- Fender im Heck
- Seitenwände in Glattblech, White Onyx
- GFK-Dach mit reduzierter Hagelempfindlichkeit in Weiß
BELEUCHTUNG / TECHNIK* Vorzeltleuchte mit Bewegungsmelder
- TABBERT Heckleuchte
- Vorzeltleuchte in LED-Technik
MÖBEL / OBERFLÄCHEN* Schränke und Staukästen hinterlüftet
- Vinyl-Bodenbelag
- Hochwertige Metallgriffe in Chrom
- Möbeldekor: Salinas Eiche
FAHRGESTELL* Frachtkosten
WOHNEN / SCHLAFEN / POLSTER UND STOFFE* TABBERT Komfort Schlafsystem mit flexiblem Tellerrost und WaterGEL-Matratze
- Etagenbett (2-fach) mit 2 Fenstern auf Heck- bzw. Seitenwand inkl. Umbaumöglichkeit unteres Bett zu Sitzgruppe (Mehrfach klappbar)
- Polsterauswahl: SUNSET SKY
- Schubkasten in Sitztruhe
- Deko-Paket Schlafen "PANTIGA": 4 Kissen und 2 Decken im Schlafbereich
- Einsäulenhubtisch in Rundsitzgruppe
- Safety-Locks Verriegelung, im Küchendeckenschrank
- Moderne Flächenvorhänge
- Hochwertige Eckregale
- Textiler Raumtrenner
- Festbetten mit 5-Zonen-Komfortschaummatratze
- Lattenrost aufstellbar mit Gasdruckstoßdämpfer
- Stoffverkleidung bei Salonfenstern
- Bequemer Bettumbau der Rundsitzgruppe und Dinette mit Ausgleichspolster
- Etagenbett (2-fach) mit 2 Fenstern auf Heck- bzw. Seitenwand inkl. Umbaumöglichkeit unters Bett zur Sitzgruppe
KÜCHE / BAD* Mülleimer
- Automatische Energiewahl für Kühlschrank (AES)
- Große Schubladen mit Soft-Close-Einzügen
- Kassetten-Toilette DOMETIC drehbar
- Oberschrank mit Spiegel und Ablageflächen, im Bad
- Kühlschrank 133 Liter
- Duschvorrichtung mit Armaturen (Wegfall der 230 V-Steckdose im T-Raum)
- Abdichtung Toilettenschacht
- Edelstahlspüle mit Glasabdeckung
- Transportable Induktions-Doppelkochplatte
- Gas-Außensteckdose
- Heizung TRUMA Combi E
- Elektrische Fußbodenerwärmung – bis Aufbaulänge 550
- City-Wasseranschluss
- Füllstandsanzeige für Frischwassertank
- Gasanlage 30 mbar
- Gasschlauch Ausführung D/AT/ES/FI/BE/IT/NL/DK
- Gasregler Ausführung D/AT/ES/FI/BE/IT/NL/DK
- Rauchmelder
- Umluftanlage 12 V
- Heizung TRUMA Combi 6
- Warmwasserversorgung mit Einhebel-Mischbatterie
- Wasserleitungen mit Umluftschlauch verlegt
- Wasserfiltersystem „bluuwater“
- Frischwassertank 45 Liter, Festeinbau – von außen und innen befüllbar und Reinigungsöffnung
- Beleuchtete Einstiegsstufe
- 230 V Steckdose zur Stromabnahme außen, inkl. Antennenanschluss
- 230 V SCHUKO-Steckdose zusätzlich, (Küche, 1 Stück)
- Ambientebeleuchtung (PANTIGA)
- Elektro-Kupplungsstecker zum Zugfahrzeug, Jäger 13-polig
- Optimale Spannungsversorgung
- USB-Steckdose zusätzlich
- 230 V SCHUKO-Steckdosen Variante „D/AT/ES/FI/BE/IT/NL/DK/SE“
- 12 V Beleuchtung
- Licht im Kleiderschrank
- Moderne Deckenschrank Designleuchte
- LED-Einbauspots
- Wandbeleuchtung im Schlafbereich
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Reach out to the seller to request more information about the vehicle’s availability, technical condition, and actual price, as ads might not always provide complete details. Additionally, ask for any recent service records or inspection reports to get a clearer picture of the vehicle’s current state.
Leverage Truck1’s comparison feature to evaluate similar vehicles. This will help you assess whether the asking price is competitive and aligned with market trends. Look for patterns in pricing and features to make an informed decision.
When purchasing a vehicle online, it's essential to verify the seller's reputation by looking for positive reviews and a history of successful transactions. Truck1’s “Dealer status” icons provide valuable insights based on the experiences with the dealer, aiding in assessing the seller’s reliability.
Whenever possible, make it a priority to visit the seller and inspect the vehicle in person. If feasible, arrange for a third-party pre-purchase inspection of the vehicle. This can uncover potential issues that might not be visible in photos or mentioned in the advert.
Ensure you sign a detailed sale agreement to protect your rights and confirm the terms of the transaction.
Proceed with payment only after signing the sale agreement. A small down payment to reserve the vehicle is common but should be done cautiously.
Confirm the seller's authenticity by gathering detailed information and checking reviews or ratings from previous buyers. Look for dealer icons on Truck1 to identify verified sellers and ensure a safer purchasing experience.
Compare the prices of similar vehicles using the Comparison tool to identify any unusual offers. Be wary of prices that deviate significantly from the market norm, as they may indicate potential issues or fraud.
Ask the seller for details about the vehicle’s history and usage conditions. A genuine seller will be transparent and willing to share this information, helping you assess if the vehicle meets your needs.
Arrange to see and test the vehicle, looking for signs of wear or damage. Consider a pre-purchase inspection by a professional mechanic to uncover any hidden issues and ensure the vehicle's safety and reliability.
Before any transaction, ensure a detailed sale agreement is in place outlining all terms and conditions. Use secure payment methods and verify transaction details to protect against fraud.
38 500EUR
Price incl. VAT
19% VAT
- ≈ 2 334 220 PHP
- ≈ 39 959 USD
Available on requestDo you need shipping?
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After identifying a vehicle of interest on, you have the option to reach out to the seller either by using the contact form or by calling the dealer directly using the phone number provided. Choose the method that best aligns with your preferences.
Reach out to the seller to request more information about the vehicle’s availability, technical condition, and actual price, as ads might not always provide complete details. Additionally, ask for any recent service records or inspection reports to get a clearer picture of the vehicle’s current state.
Leverage Truck1’s comparison feature to evaluate similar vehicles. This will help you assess whether the asking price is competitive and aligned with market trends. Look for patterns in pricing and features to make an informed decision.
When purchasing a vehicle online, it's essential to verify the seller's reputation by looking for positive reviews and a history of successful transactions. Truck1’s “Dealer status” icons provide valuable insights based on the experiences with the dealer, aiding in assessing the seller’s reliability.
Whenever possible, make it a priority to visit the seller and inspect the vehicle in person. If feasible, arrange for a third-party pre-purchase inspection of the vehicle. This can uncover potential issues that might not be visible in photos or mentioned in the advert.
Ensure you sign a detailed sale agreement to protect your rights and confirm the terms of the transaction.
Proceed with payment only after signing the sale agreement. A small down payment to reserve the vehicle is common but should be done cautiously.
Confirm the seller's authenticity by gathering detailed information and checking reviews or ratings from previous buyers. Look for dealer icons on Truck1 to identify verified sellers and ensure a safer purchasing experience.
Compare the prices of similar vehicles using the Comparison tool to identify any unusual offers. Be wary of prices that deviate significantly from the market norm, as they may indicate potential issues or fraud.
Ask the seller for details about the vehicle’s history and usage conditions. A genuine seller will be transparent and willing to share this information, helping you assess if the vehicle meets your needs.
Arrange to see and test the vehicle, looking for signs of wear or damage. Consider a pre-purchase inspection by a professional mechanic to uncover any hidden issues and ensure the vehicle's safety and reliability.
Before any transaction, ensure a detailed sale agreement is in place outlining all terms and conditions. Use secure payment methods and verify transaction details to protect against fraud.